Runs a Rust Turbo project
Usage: turbo run [OPTIONS] [PROJECT_DIR]
[PROJECT_DIR] The directory where your game's code and assets live [default: .]
-w, --watch Uses cargo-watch to recompile your game code automatically
-A, --always-on-top Makes the game window always appear on top of other windows
--clippy Clippy mode
--os-api-url <OS_API_URL> Will create and authenticate as a new a guest user [default:]
-p, --program-id <PROGRAM_ID> The Turbo OS program ID to create/update. Must be globally unique [default: ]
-u, --user <USER> The user ID to authenticate as. This will prompt for entry of a time-based code [default: ]
--guest Will create and authenticate as a new a guest user
--clear-cache Removes the current cached build
-c, --config <CONFIG> The path to the config file [default: ]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version