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Before continuing make sure you setup your local Solana development environment.

When the solana feature is enabled, Turbo's solana module is made available. This module allows for you to read and write data to/from the Solana blockchain 🚀

Turbo re-exports solana_sdk via turbo::solana::solana_sdk, allowing you use existing Solana development techniques you typically use when writing Solana programs (PDA derivation, transaction conconstruction, etc).


If you pull in an Anchor program as a dependency, there is also a useful anchor module in turbo::solana::anchor that provides utils for decoding Anchor account data and creating Anchor program transactions.


Note that anchor-client does not work in Turbo since their networking layers are incompatible. If it's in your game's dependency tree, ngmi.

Getting Started

The setup requires 3 small steps:

1. Enable the SDK's "solana" feature

Update your project's Cargo.toml:

# Enable the solana feature
turbo = { version = ">=0.3.8", package = "turbo-genesis-sdk", features = [
] }

# If you add an anchor program as a dependency, you'll need this patch
cc = { git = "", branch = "wasm-patch" }

2. Configure your RPC URLs

In src/, add or modify your turbo::cfg! with a [solana] section that says which Solana RPC urls to use. If you have other settings in the config, you can leave them as-is 👍🏽.

http-rpc-url = "http://localhost:8899"
ws-rpc-url = "ws://localhost:8900"

3. Set the signer

On the web, Turbo games will connect to the user's wallet when the page loads.

When running turbo natively, you will need to specify a base58-encoded private key for the user via a TURBO_SOL_SIGNER env var:

TURBO_SOL_SIGNER=<insert base58 private key> turbo run -w path/to/my/project

This user will sign all transactions and pay the gas for them.


You may also set a TURBO_SOL_PAYER private key as well if you wish for the payer to be different than the user.

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